About Velocity Drone - Velocity Drone

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About Velocity Drone

Velocity Drone, from the mind of Leithal-X
Velocity Drone
The band consists of one member, Leithal-X who is responsible for recording and mixing the entire album as well as any vocals that are present.  In short, anything you hear on the album is the result of efforts by Leithal-X.

The premise for the music is simple!  Hard hitting melodies with a purpose.  While music is primarily for the purpose of entertainment, Leithal-X believes it should be unique and definitely different.

If you are looking for music that does not sound like every other band out there today, then Velocity Drone is the band for you.  The heavy riffs and masterfully mixed instruments into instrumentally based songs, provides an energetic and empowering emotional response.  Careful not to get whiplash while listening to it.
Copyright 2013.  All rights reserved. Velocity Drone
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